
Daddy’s morning

Daddies we would love you to come and join us on Friday 14th June for an hour starting at 9am. You will join your children in an activity and then share cakes, cookies and refreshments with them. This is for all children and their Daddies whether or not they attend a Friday session. Please let me know if you will be coming.

Parent/key person consultations

These will take place on the afternoon of Friday 28th June. The appointment sheets will be available for you to book your time slot from Monday 17th June. Please come and see me if you have any questions regarding this.

Duckling Outing

We are off to Hopefield Animal Sanctuary on Monday 1st July. Due to the huge cost of the coaches we will not be travelling by coach but will all make our own way there. We will meet at the sanctuary at 10am and leave at 2pm so we are back in time for school pick ups. Please remember to bring picnic lunches and blankets as there is a lovely picnic area. We will aim to all meet up at approximately 12pm to picnic together. The cost of the trip is £5 per adult and £5 per child (under twos are free). Please can you send the payment in cash with details of who is coming into nursery by Friday 21st June as we have to let Hopefield know how many of us are coming. The outing is always great fun and we hope everyone will be able to join us. Please remember that the nursery will not be open on that day.

Duckling sports morning and family picnic.

Sports morning is on Thursday 11th July. It is always such a wonderful morning and we hope all the children will take part. Children who attend a Thursday morning can be dropped at the usual time of 8.45. The other children need to be brought to nursery at 9.45. with all parents who can then make their way onto the field and we will aim to start the activities at approx 10am. Please can the children wear shorts, joggers or leggings depending on the weather and appropriate footwear for running. When the activities have finished we would love you to join us on the field for a family picnic. Lastly, this is your time to get creative and decorate the children’s tops with their group emblems.

Leavers’ Lunch

I can’t believe another school year is coming to an end. Leavers’ lunch is on the last day of term Friday 19th July. If your child is coming back after the summer break please can we request that they are collected at the earlier time of 12pm. The children leaving us and going onto big school will stay with us. Their parents and all other leavers and parents will join us at 12.30pm for leavers’ lunch. The lunch and refreshments will all be provided for both grown ups and children. Once again we hope all leavers and families will come along to this final celebration for the children.

Summer Holiday Club

Due to changes of staff and new staff already having holiday commitments we are only able to offer the holiday club for one week. I can only apologise for this but it will be operating the week beginning the 29th July. If you have already booked please can you confirm that you would still like your child to come. If you haven’t yet booked please can you do so as soon as possible? Please pass this information onto friends in the Infant and Junior schools. The cost will be £30 per day


The school year term dates and bank holidays are on the cloakroom wall. Dates for all events and special days throughout the year have been sent home and are all in our calendar on our diary page. Here are our key dates coming up:

  • Daddy’s morning – Friday 14th June
  • Parent/Key person consultations – Friday 28th June
  • Nursery Summer Outing – Monday 1stJuly (Hopefield Animal Sanctuary)
  • Sports Morning and family picnic – Thursday 11th July
  • Summer Holiday Club – Week beginning 29th July