Changes to Government Funding

As we have notified you already, there are significant changes happening with government funding for childcare across the country. You can download the parent agreement form guidance here which should be read before filling in the parent agreement form. Also if you need to use the stretched funding calculator, you can access it here. Please speak to us if you need any clarification with this.

Please return your completed PAF (Parent/carer agreement form) as soon as possible as this is a requirement from Essex for your funding.


We will be welcoming Mrs Godbold, Mrs Taylor and Miss Oscroft onto our great team. Mrs Godbold will be joining us on Wednesday 15th May and will be the new key person with the Suns, Miss Oscroft will join us after half term and Mrs Taylor will take up her position on Monday 10th June. Miss Leung and Mrs Taylor will be sharing the Rainbow group until the end of term. Mrs Moore will continue as the Stars key person alongside her new role as deputy. We congratulate both Mrs Moore and Miss Leung in their new roles.

Summer sunshine

Please remember to apply sun cream to the children before they attend nursery. Also can all children have sun hats in the nursery and can they be clearly named.

Nursery Mobile Phone

Please can I remind you that our new Duckling phone number 07359754682 is now in use.This will be manned for calls and texts in the nursery hours only, any other enquiries outside of these times can be sent by email to All existing numbers will no longer be used for Ducklings business. However, we realise this may take some time for us all to get used to this change.

September sessions

The nursery is almost at full capacity for September 2024. If you haven’t already requested extra sessions or changes to sessions please let Mrs Homer know as soon as possible. Also if your child is leaving Ducklings to go to big school  please let me know if they will continue with either breakfast and/or afterschool clubs.


We are trying to replace our craft aprons and would be very grateful of any unwanted shirts or blouses you may have at home. Please could you bring them into nursery.

Summer Holiday Club

We are taking bookings for the summer holiday club. The date is the week beginning 29th July. Please pass this information and our contact number on to friends who may be interested in joining us.

Drop offs and collection

Please be on time when dropping the children to nursery and when collecting them at the end of their day unless you have spoken to me about other arrangements. Also, if children are bringing toys with them can you ensure these are popped in their bags before coming into nursery.


  • All clothing should be named including shoes wellies and slippers.
  • All lunch boxes/bags and water bottles should be named.
  • Children should only have water in their bottles rather than juice.
  • The nursery is a nut and egg free zone due to children’s allergies.